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Average Pack Size: 1 lb. Our 100% grassfed and finished Ground Chuck, comes straight from the chuck primal, known for its exceptional flavor. This ground beef is a versatile foundation for an array of delectable dishes. Certifications: • Certified Animal Welfare Approved & Certified Grassfed by AGW (A Greener World). A Greener World promotes verified farming practices and encourages food choices that deliver positive impacts for the environment, society, and animals. • Land to Market Verified, by the Savory Institute. Land to market works directly with farmers and ranchers using a scientific protocol, Ecological Outcome Verification™ to monitor whether management of the land is going beyond sustainability to continuously improve the entire ecosystem — soil, water, air, and animals. Cooking Tips: Meal Starter: Use our Ground Chuck for burgers, meatballs, and savory sauces! Seasoning: Enjoy the freedom to season according to your preferences. Whether you opt for classic salt and pepper or experiment with bold spices, our Ground Chuck serves as a canvas for your creative culinary expressions. Quick and Versatile: Cooks quickly and adapts to various cooking methods, making it an ideal choice for busy kitchens and diverse cooking styles. |